Timeline of United States history (1930-1949)
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This section of the Timeline of United States history concerns events from 1930 to 1949.

Dorothea Lange's "Migrant Mother," an iconic image of the Great Depression in the United States
- 1931 - Empire State Building opens
- 1931 - Japan invades Manchuria
- 1932 - Stimson Doctrine
- 1932 - Norris-Laguardia Act
- 1932 - Bonus Army marches on DC
- 1932 - Amelia Earhart flies across Atlantic Ocean
- 1932 - Norris LaGuardia Anti Injunction Bill
- 1932 - Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- 1933 - 20th Amendment
- 1933 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt becomes President
- 1933 - Agricultural Adjustment Act
- 1933 - Civil Works Administration
- 1933 - Civilian Conservation Corps
- 1933 - Farm Credit Administration
- 1933 - Home Owners Loan Corporation
- 1933 - Tennessee Valley Authority
- 1933 - Public Works Administration
- 1933 - National (Industrial) Recovery Act
- 1933 - Giuseppe Zangara kills Anton Cermak
- 1933 - Frances Perkins appointed United States Secretary of Labor
- 1933 - Montevideo Conference
- 1933 - 21st Amendment
- 1933 - Japan and Germany withdraw from League of Nations
- 1933 - Good Neighbor Policy announced
- 1934 - Glass-Steagal Act
- 1934 - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- 1934 - Federal Housing Administration
- 1934 - Johnson Act
- 1934 - Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act
- 1934 - Tydings-McDuffie Act
- 1934 - John Dillinger killed
- 1934 - Indian Reorganization Act
- 1934 - Share the Wealth society founded by Huey Long
- 1935 - Works Progress Administration
- 1935 - Neutrality Act
- 1935 - Motor Carrier Act
- 1935 - Social Security Act
- 1935 - Schechter Poultry Corporation v. US
- 1935 - National Labor Relations Act
- 1935 - Huey Long assassinated
- 1935 - Congress of Industrial Organizations formed
- 1935 - Alcoholics Anonymous founded
- 1935 - Fair Labor Standard Act - sets minimum wage and hours
- 1935 - Revenue Act
- 1936 - Robinson Patman Act
- 1936 - Life Magazine begins
- 1936 - Butler v. US
- 1936 - London Conference on disarmament
- 1937 - Neutrality Acts
- 1937 - Hindenburg disaster
- 1937 - Japanese planes sink Panay in China
- 1937 - Golden Gate Bridge completed
- 1938 - Wheeler Lea Act
- 1938 - Fair Labor Standards Act
- 1939 - Hatch Act
- 1938 - Orson Welles' The War of the Worlds broadcast
- 1939 - Germany invades Poland; World War II begins
- 1939 - Cash and Carry
- 1940 - Selective Service Act
- 1940 - Alien Registration (Smith) Act
- 1941 - Lend Lease Act
- 1941 - Attack on Pearl Harbor
- 1941 - U.S. enters World War II
- 1941 - Atlantic Charter
- 1941 - Japanese internment begins
- 1942 - Office of Price Administration
- 1942 - Cocoanut Grove fire
- 1942 - Congress of Racial Equality
- 1942 - Revenue Act of 1942
- 1942 - U.S.-controlled Commonwealth of the Philippines conquered by Japanese forces
- 1943 - Office of Price Administration established
- 1943 - Detroit, Michigan race riots
- 1943 - Cairo Conference
- 1943 - Casablanca Conference
- 1943 - Tehran Conference
- 1944 - Dumbarton Oaks Conference
- 1944 - GI Bill of Rights
- 1944 - D-Day
- 1944 - Bretton Woods Conference
- 1944 - Battle of the Bulge
- 1945 - Yalta Conference
- 1945 - U.S. takes Okinawa
- 1945 - U.S. joins the United Nations
- 1945 - Nationwide labor strikes due to inflation; OPA disbanded
- 1945 - atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- 1945 - Germany and Japan surrender, ending World War II
- 1945 - Potsdam Conference
- 1945 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies
- 1945 - Harry S. Truman becomes President
- 1946 - Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain speech
- 1946 - Benjamin Spock's Child Care book published
- 1946 - Employment Act
- 1946 - Atomic Energy Act
- 1946 - Civil Rights Commission
- 1946 - Philippines regain their independence from the U.S.
- 1947 - Presidential Succession Act
- 1947 - Taft Hartley Act
- 1947 - U.F.O. crash at Roswell, New Mexico
- 1947 - National Security Act
- 1947 - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- 1947 - The Marshall Plan
- 1947 - Truman Doctrine
- 1947 - Federal Employee Loyalty Program
- 1947 - Jackie Robinson breaks color barrier in baseball
- 1948 - Berlin Blockade
- 1948 - Election of 1948: Truman defeats Dewey
- 1948 - Truman desegregates armed forces
- 1940 - Selective Service Act: Passed after first such act expired
- 1948 - Organization of American States: Alliance of North America and South America
- 1948 - Alger Hiss Case
- 1948 - Nuremberg trials
- 1949 - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) formed
- 1949 - In China, Communists under Mao Zedong force Chiang Kai-shek's KMT government to retreat to Taiwan
- 1949 - Russia tests first atomic bomb
- 1949 - Department of War becomes Department of Defense
- 1949 - Germany divided into East and West
- 1949 - Truman attempts to continue FDR's legacy with his Fair Deal, but most acts don't pass
- 1949 - Dystopian future novel Nineteen Eighty-Four published by George Orwell
1900-1929 | Timeline of United States history 1930–1949 |
1950-1969 |